Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Power of Wine

We don't really cook anymore unless it involves pouring a couple glasses of wine. Wine is essential when cooking with a significant other for a few reasons:

1) It's calming.

Let's be honest, doing anything with your boyfriend/girlfriend, etc. can sometimes be stressful if it involves having to work together to create something. Wine is relaxing and, for some of us control freaks and perfectionists out there, it makes us mellow out and things go a lot easier. Even I was surprised I didn't cry when our chicken parmesan crust stuck to the bottom of the pan instead of the chicken breasts. Ahh the power of wine.

2) Wine tastes good

Ok so maybe you don't like drinking. Maybe you should just leave right now because there's no point in discussing this with you fools. For the rest of you normal people: mmm wine. Not much else explanation needed for this one.

3) Everything tastes better after a glass of wine

Food and wine go together. We admit that we don't really know much about wine and which wine to pair with what food. Hopefully some day we might learn these things, but for now we are poor and we just drink whatever red wine we find at the grocery store that isn't horrible. But it works. After a glass of wine, food just tastes better. This is particularly helpful if your recipe didn't turn out as planned. If something goes horribly wrong, for heaven's sake, pour another glass!

4) It's good for you

Wine, especially red wine, is good for you if you only drink one or two glasses. Wine has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, certain cancers and slow the progression of neurological degenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease. It would be nice to be able to grow old together and actually remember each other. So drink up!

5) Wine induces spooning

Need I explain more?

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