Friday, March 26, 2010

Defining Spoon

What is SPOON?

Well, "a" spoon is a utensil used for eating some of the most delicious foods around such as ice cream, yogurt, and soup (mmm tortilla) to name a few. It's also one of the most useful utensils since, unlike a fork, it can pretty much be used to eat anything. Example: You can eat soup with a spoon, but you could also eat an enchilada with a spoon. You can eat an enchilada with a fork, but you can't eat soup with a fork. The only utensil more useful than a spoon is of course the combo of spoon and fork, spork. But sporks are hard to come by and we're old fashioned so we rule in favor of the spoon.

Spoon can also be used as a verb (and I'm not referring to the verb that means to get a spoonful of pudding into your mouth.) "To" spoon, when referring to two people, means to cuddle lying close to one another facing the same direction so that you resemble 2 spoons nestled together. Awww.

So basically the word spoon represents two of the best things ever, food and cuddling. This is why this blog is called SPOON: fed and in bed. You can be spoon fed and you can also spoon in bed. The first time we ever spooned together the conversation went like this:
Joanna: "Wanna spoon?"
James: "Ice cream?"

We joke that our relationship revolves around food, but we can't help it. We love cooking together and we especially love eating together. This blog will chronicle our relationship with each other as it continues to evolve along with our never ending and fulfilling relationship with food.

We hope you will enjoy reading about our spooning adventures as much as we enjoy eating paella...ok that's probably not possible, but we hope you enjoy!